📄️ Authorization
To make requests to the CloseVector API, you need to authenticate yourself. You can do this by providing an access key in the Authorization header of your request.
📄️ EndPoints
The API is available with the following endpoint//vector-kv.mega-ug.uk
📄️ /file/url/:key
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a signed URL for downloading a blob. The URL is signed for security and will expire in 30 minutes.
📄️ /file/url
This API route is responsible for generating a signed URL to upload a blob to a specific location in the Cloud Storage. It takes various parameters from the request body and also checks for user authentication.
📄️ /index/properties/:key
This section describes two endpoints for managing the properties of a Vector Index identified by a key. One is for updating properties (PUT), and the other is for retrieving them (GET).
📄️ /public/embeddings
This endpoint generates embeddings for a list of text strings using the OpenAI API. The user needs to be authenticated via a JWT token or an access key.
📄️ /public/file/:key
This endpoint provides a temporary signed URL for downloading a blob (Binary Large Object) associated with the specified key. The file must be marked as publicly accessible. You can check the accessibility in the admin dashboard.